Editor's note: President Xi Jinping stressed the importance of expanding and strengthening the Air Silk Road linking China with Luxembourg during his meeting with Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg on February 6, who came to China for the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games. In recent years, Central China's Henan province has strengthened its opening-up policies in all areas, become an active participant of the Belt and Road Initiative and promoted the coordinated development of its four "Silk Roads" (namely the Air Silk Road, the Land Silk Road, the Online Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road), becoming more closely connected with the world. During China's "Two Sessions", we are launching a special coverage featuring four stories about Henan's four "Silk Roads" to show the world a new image of Henan. Here is the second episode: With the Land Silk Road, we run faster.
Fully loaded with medical supplies, engine fittings, high-quality furniture, etc., China-Europe freight train X8203 left Zhengzhou, Henan province of Central China for Helsinki of Finland via Erenhot Port in Inner Mongolia of North China at 0:38 am, January 17, 2022.
In recent years, China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou), a pivotal platform of Henan's high-level opening-up, has been developing rapidly since its debut in 2013. In the past eight years, China-Europe trains (Zhengzhou) have grown from an average of one shift per month to the current high-frequency round-trip status of "16 shifts out and 18 back" every week. Relying on its market-oriented operation and high-quality service, Zhengzhou has advanced into the "first phalanx" of China-Europe trains and become a bright business showcase of Henan's opening to the outside world. Statistics show that in 2021, China-Europe trains (Zhengzhou) operated a total of 1,546 shifts, with shifts, goods value and goods weight increasing by 37.6%, 40.1% and 41.2% respectively.
作为推动河南省高水平开放的重要平台和载体,自2013年开行首趟以来,中欧班列(郑州)不断加速“奔跑”。8年来,中欧班列(郑州)从开行之初平均每月1班增长至现在的每周“去程16班、回程18班”的高频次往返状态,并凭借市场化运营程度和班列开行质量,稳居全国中欧班列“第一方阵”, 成为河南对外开放的一张亮丽名片。统计数据显示,2021年,中欧班列(郑州)累计开行1546班次,班次、货值、货重同比分别增长37.6%、40.1%、41.2%。
Facing the challenges caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic and various risks in 2021, China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou) accelerated the establishment of a new development pattern featuring dual circulation with its unique advantages as a major international rail transport channel. On the basis of continuously supplementing the routes, expanding the quantity and improving the quality, the achievements of continuous growth are remarkable.
Last year, Zhengzhou embraced its 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th overseas stations with the successful debut of the first China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou) from Katowice of Poland to Zhengzhou, the first China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou) from Milan to Zhengzhou, the first sea-rail inter-modal freight train from Zhengzhou to Turkey and the first freight train linking Zhengzhou with Kaliningrad of Russia on January 20, July 16, November 25 and December 26 respectively. On October 6, 2021, the number of trips made by China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou) exceeded 5,000 with the successful launch of the freight train X8203 from Zhengzhou's Putian station to Hamburg of Germany.
Connecting domestic and overseas, linking west and east, China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou) has formed an international logistics network covering more than 130 cities of over 30 countries in Europe, Central Asia, the ASEAN, and the Asian-Pacific region (Japan, South Korea, etc.). Domestically, it takes Zhengzhou as a hub, influencing a 1500-km radius. With a strong influence both at home and abroad, China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou) has not only played a positive role in promoting the economic recovery of both China and the countries along the route during the pandemic but restored and restructured the global supply chain, thus demonstrating its safe transportation advantages as the Land Silk Road.
来源:大河网 记者/祝传鹏 编译/赵汉青 播 音:Oleg 制作/王君艺 任建东 审校/陈行洁
责编:赵地 审核:王世洋
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